Collaboration in the Human Sciences

Teaching STEM with LEGO WeDo at primary school

Educational robotics is one of the most popular and engaging tool for teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) at school. It is extremely motivational for students because they perceive them as toys rather than as educational tools which is a significant factor for motivating them to engage and learn (Komis, 2005). The theoretical framework behind teaching STEM with LEGO robotics is constructivism and in particular Papert’s constructionism and “learning through play” (Papert and Harel, 1991).

We designed and implemented an educational scenario using the robotic kit LEGO Education WeDo for 6th grade pupils. The main objective of that scenario was to “construct” students’ knowledge, skills and abilities, through constructing bricks and programming them using a  Natural Sciences’ concept, while developing their computational thinking.

We used qualitative data collection and data analysis including observations (fieldnotes), audio-visual materials (photographs and recorded videos of pupils’ work and mainly pupils’ worksheets).

The educational scenario made very positive impression on the students, the way of teaching was unprecedented for them as well. They were really enthusiastic working with Lego bricks and they were truly committed to their tasks and activities.

From the assessment and metacognitive activities we presume that most of the aims of our educational scenario were achieved. Furthermore, they enhanced their skills concerning collaboration, problem-solving, inquiring and experimenting.

Our goal is to help the integration process of the educational robotics in primary schools and compare the results of the same educational scenarios implemented in each grade among greek schools at first and then worldwide. So, we seek collaboration with researchers interested in implementing educational scenarios with robotic kits at primary schools in other countries in order to compare the results.


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